Cleaning out your closet can be intimidating! But it doesn't have to be hard (it can actually be fun!) and in the long run, it will save you time, money, and sanity.
Follow these steps to cleaning out your closet and planning out go to outfits that you know you look good AND feel confident in.
1) Pull everything out of your closet
- Take a hard look at the color, the fit, and if you look and feel good in it.
2) Try on everything!
- If it doesn’t fit, get rid of it!
- If you haven’t worn it in a long time, get rid of it!
3) Make a keep pile, a donate pile, and a trash pile.
- If you are afraid to completely throw it out or donate, you can store them for one season (approximately 6 months). If you do not wear any of the set aside items during that time frame, then donate it.
4) Coordinate Outfits from the Keep Pile
- Make sure to try it on to see if you like any of your keep pieces together.
- Instead of color coordinating focus on coordinating items - i.e. like which pants and tops you want to wear together (they don't have to color match).
5) Put the outfits together in closet for easy grab, dress, and go!
- Have four go-to outfits.
- Have shoes that match or shoes that look good with the four go-to outfits.
- Have earrings or jewelry for the four go-to outfits.
- If you do this, then every time you walk out the door, you will look AND feel great!
After purging you may need to purchase a few things to enhance you wardrobe. That's where we come in! Come to the Anita Rochelle Boutique and purchase guilt free now with quality and beautiful designer statement pieces. We even offer private shopping with Anita.